Monday, April 25, 2011

Objective 75: The Menstrual Cycle

Explain what happens duing follicular, ovulatory, and luteal phases of the menstrual cycle...

Ok, I embarrassed to admit this, but I had no idea.  No wonder we're so cranky when our periods come around...all that extra work!  Seriously though, I understood that during menstruation women shed their uterine lining and that was what caused their period.  I was also aware of ovulation and that it occurred typically ten days to two weeks after the period stopped and that was when a woman was most likely to get pregnant.  However, I really couldn't have given you a step by step of the process until now. 

Nurse's Note:  Oral contraceptives also known as "The Pill" prevent pregnancy when taken on a regular schedule by preventing the ovulation phase of the menstrual cycle.  Without ovulation there is no egg to be fertilized.  Other common methods of birth control include patches, rings, IUD's or intra-uterine devices.  All essentially work under the same premise of preventing ovulation and ultimately each individual should choose the method that they are most comfortable with.

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