Saturday, April 16, 2011

Objective 3 - Solving for unknowns

¨Solve for unknowns by manipulating variables......
¨This objective is easily understood as a basic math problem.  As with most math problems, applying the correct numbers to the formula provided will give you the correct end result.  An example of this can be found in the formulas for determining Pulse Pressure and Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP). 
¨ Pulse Pressure can be determined by subtracting the diastolic pressure from the systolic pressure of a blood pressure reading and the formula would read:
Systolic - Diastolic = Pulse Pressure. 

¨MAP or Mean Arterial Pressure can be determined by adding the diastolic number of the blood pressure reading to the pulse pressure divided by three and the formula would read:
¨Diastolic + Pulse pressure/ 3 = MAP. 
¨ An example is shown: In an individual with a blood pressure reading of 120/81.  Pulse pressure is determined by subtracting (120-81=39).  Therefore, pulse pressure is 39.  To go one step further and determine the MAP would read 81+39/3 or 81 + 13 for a Mean arterial pressure of 94. 
¨Practice problems like these are the easiest way for me to thoroughly understand and remember formulas and mathematical equationsAnd did I mention that they're a no-brainer!  LOVE objectives like these...once you're familiar with the formula, you're in the money!!!

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