Saturday, April 16, 2011

Objective One - Homeostasis, aging and stress

Understand overall body homeostasis with specific regard given to the effects of aging and stress on each system.

Ok, we all get the basic ideas of what stress does to our body.  This project is actually doing it to me RIGHT NOW!!!  Maybe in stressful times your palms start to sweat and your heart races a little faster. But do we really understand all of the underlying conditions that stress can cause and how it brings these conditions to light?  I honestly didnt before taking this class.  I've read articles in magazines related to stress and the release of cortisol and how it can affect belly fat (silly womens magazines)! Not one of those articles really explained WHY the body does that....that in times of stress the sympathetic nervous system kicks into action in order to help the body cope by:
1. Increasing heart rate and blood pressure
2. Converting glycogen to glucose to release into the blood stream
3. Dilating the bronchioles
4. Changing the blood flow pattern
5. Increasing the metabolic rate

Wow, increasing the metabolic rate, thats good stuff you say!  BUT WAIT...thats short term stressors.  That was great back in the caveman days when you were being chased by a dinosaur.  But that's NOT the type of stress most of us have today.  Most of us live with long-term stress, whether it be an overloaded schedule, monetary problems, or problems with our loved ones.  This type of stress has a different effect including:
1. Retention of sodium and water (we ladies don't like this one!)
2. Increasing blood volume and pressure
3. Converting proteins and fats to glucose or breaking them down for energy (this means breaking down our existing muscle mass).
4. Increasing blood glucose.
5. Suppression of the immune system.

These are what have the long-term effects on our bodies and produce the most wear and tear on our vital systems.  Yoga anyone? OHHHMMMM!

Nurses Note: Stress is a major factor in many diseases and illnesses and its effects are seen both mentally and physically.

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